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Android Privacy Sandbox Retargeting Impact Workshop with Adikteev x Google

Written by Margot Miller - Maikka Piquemal | Jan 26, 2023 10:07:40 AM
Preparing the app marketing industry for the future, Adikteev has partnered with Google to present the Android Privacy Sandbox Retargeting Impact Workshop December 13, 2022. Android Product Manager Ryan Fitzgibbon enlightened everyone on the features and status of the much-anticipated Privacy Sandbox while Adikteev’s Chief Product Officer, Loïc Anton, gave Adikteev’s stance on how this technological innovation will shape the app marketing and retargeting industry of tomorrow.

“There will still be cars for everyone.”

Let's compare the digital ad industry to the growing movement toward electric vehicles and sustainability. With the customer demand for a more sustainable way of getting around, a couple of companies took the initiative to innovate the way we drive beyond petrol gas. Likewise, as more consumers and regulators alike request for a personalized experience online without risking their own data, solutions like the Privacy Sandbox are conceived. 

Ryan emphasized, “We want to keep people’s activity private but also across a free and open internet, to be able to give that personalized experience without actually having a user's data shared with third parties unnecessarily. And people are willing to adapt their behavior when given the right tools and the right mission. The Privacy Sandbox is simply a tool that allows you to build upon a foundation to achieve what you need to achieve.”

Evolving privacy landscape

Changing user expectations propels innovation. This year, 65% of the world’s population are expected to be covered by GDPR-styled regulation according to an Avast Digital Citizenship report. There’s also an increased investment in durable, privacy-centered products as a business incentive of data protection.

“We want to encourage technological innovation where possible. It's part of our vision. The Privacy Sandbox is really just a part of the tool box,” says Ryan.

Vision: rethink and build together

In order to start a technological revolution, the same spark must be shared by all players. Platform-level changes and industry innovations go hand in hand to launch a similar vision. Platform-level changes include new privacy-preserving APIs and mitigations to address cross-site or app tracking. Meanwhile, industry innovations will not necessarily only come from Google but from other key actors in the business to produce privacy-forward products and services, machine learning and modeling, and first-party data strategies — all to improve the technology for remarketing or targeting users.

“We also have the increasing use of your own first-party data— rather than relying on data that is prevalent in the industry from a third-party perspective, buying back that data from others to increasingly find that your own data could be the gateway to more effective advertising in the long run.”

Above all, a transparent conversation with the industry is key. 

“Obviously, through all of this, we’re trying to have a transparent conversation with the industry, not just with the ads industry, but for users and regulators and the privacy community to try and find that right balance between being able to protect the use of privacy with a high degree of certainty, without completely eliminating the utility of the ads industry, where you want to be able to reach the right people at the right time.”


A closer look at the Privacy Sandbox with Adikteev

As an industry leader in app marketing and retargeting, Adikteev has been looking closely at the Privacy Sandbox since its announcement. Adikteev has also collaborated with Google in experimenting and providing feedback. Here are some of Adikteev’s key takeaways:

Precise retargeting at scale

Perhaps the strongest ace of the Privacy Sandbox for retargeting is maintaining precise retargeting at scale. Signing an existing user base for retargeting will remain possible. Contrary to other platforms’ limited audience capacity, the Privacy Sandbox was especially designed to not impact the size of retargeting campaigns.

Displaying different creatives per audience

Another plus is the Privacy Sandbox's ability to customize creatives per audience. In getting the right creatives and messages through to the users, this feature allows for effective retargeting campaigns.

Measuring conversions and campaign incremental impact

Unlike the current version of the SKAd network on the iOS platform, the Privacy Sandbox can measure conversions to retargeting campaigns. Conversely, it could also measure a campaign’s incremental impact on the number of conversions. These are all feasible because of the Privacy Sandbox’s audience definition customizability. 

For more on Adikteev’s key takeaways, watch the full video here.

iOS vs Android with Adikteev

In this section, Adikteev compares the two platforms on their strengths and constraints.

Third-party SDK data access

Android’s new feature called SDK Runtime will separate the permissions given to the advertiser app and the SDKs used for advertising or for analytics reporting that run within the app— thereby changing the user experience. In iOS, this access remains unchanged despite permission evolution with the ATT framework.  

ID-less retargeting options

As opposed to iOS, Android’s FLEDGE feature has the capacity to retarget app users even without a GAID. 

Native advertising attribution

Aside from aggregated reports, Android wins impressively at its accommodation to customize important industry parameters like attribution window, re-engagement reports, and event-level reports. With Android, app marketers can get granular and know which exact click or impression a conversion has been attributed to. 

In general, Adikteev is less concerned with the Android privacy changes. Android feats by landslide and a promising future for app retargeting is at stake.


What’s next then?

As the world’s most advanced retargeting platform, Adikteev has been contributing to the Privacy Sandbox’s design phase. Adikteev has long started its internal testing and prototyping process to continuously provide feedback to Google, together with various industry partners. Soon enough, Adikteev plans to extend this internal testing to a complete integration with different advertisers and key players. For app marketers, what’s most important is checking in with your media partners and finding out how you can get involved with beta testing the Privacy Sandbox.

Join us in this technological advancement and get on in the trend today. Talk to our retargeting experts and boost your app to its fullest potential yet.