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Why retargeting users to online shops makes sense for gaming apps

Written by Margot Miller | Aug 3, 2023 8:56:55 AM

Adikteev has partnered with 1D3 Digitech, a digital distribution platform, providing video game developers, publishers and other digital goods businesses with a range of promotional opportunities. Our partnership will allow developers to seamlessly retarget their users to their online storefronts, bridging the gap for marketers looking to get users to convert in their online store and avoid high App Store transaction fees.

But first, a little more about why retargeting app users to online shops is the key to monetizing gaming app users:

What’s changed with online storefronts?

Web-based payments have been gaining popularity among gaming apps looking to monetize outside of app stores. Since the Epic Games v. Apple lawsuit, app developers are free to link their online store to their iOS app without penalty, allowing them to avoid the 30% fee taken by the App Store.

On top of avoiding transaction fees, this gives app developers the opportunity to offer more in-game items than the app stores would usually allow and more flexibility for dynamic updates. Back in 2021 when the Epic v. Apple lawsuit first began, Eric Seufert made the point that the App Store does not allow developers to personalize offers to player preferences, test for ideal pricing or dynamically build new products based on in-app events or seasonality. By using an online storefront instead, developers have more freedom to create dynamic products, offer deals and events related to the app or season, and test to find the ideal price point for their products.

If developers can get users to convert through their online shops, the money they’re saving on transaction fees will be worth it. This is where retargeting comes in. 

Retargeting encourages positive user behavior through personalized ads, helping activate new users to start their journey down the funnel, increase repeat purchases and boost user LTV. Retargeting users to app-connected online storefronts could be the key to driving more users to making web-based payments over the App Store payments. Showing users special deals and the greater variety of items offered in the online shop will help drive them to convert in the online storefront over the App Store.

How it works

Through an app’s MMP connection, Adikteev creates cohorts of existing app users marketers want to redirect to the online shop, driving qualified traffic. ROAS measurement is managed in real time and allows marketers to access row data to back check results and ensure you’re making the most of your investment. The Adikteev creative studio develops custom creatives for campaigns and an auto-login feature allows users to make payments without having to register in the online store.

First, Adikteev analyzes the app audience and segments users into cohorts. These cohorts will be targeted with custom creatives based on their user behavior. 

The Adikteev DSP then retargets cohorted users in publisher apps to drive them to the payment webpage. With the auto-login feature, users don’t have to create an account or register, creating a seamless user journey.

Finally, users pay in the online shop instead of in-app, and they are able to access their purchase in the app.

The future of web payments for apps 

Online storefronts help app marketers monetize their user base without paying high transaction fees to the app stores. As user-level data becomes more and more difficult to come by, it’s essential for mobile game developers to make the most of their payers and save on transaction fees by going through online shops. Offering special deals and a greater variety of items in online storefronts is quickly becoming a necessity for developers serious about monetizing their users and saving on transaction fees. Retargeting users to these shops is set to be the best way to engage these users and increase repeat purchases. By building your own online shop or partnering with 1D3 Digitech and Xsolla, retargeting users to these shops is essential for maximizing their LTV potential and making web-based payments a success.