Adikteev Webinar: Get the latest company updates and industry trends

Who owns user retention? Marketing, product or ad mon teams?

On its face, the answer to "who owns user retention" is simple: everyone does.
- Marketing builds awareness, attracts users, and engages them through various channels
- Product works on improving UX, onboarding, gathering feedback and meeting evolving needs
- Ad Mon has to strike a balance between generating revenue and maintaining a positive user experience.
But putting all these pieces together requires nuance and collaboration. It’s easier said than done, so we’ve brought on a couple experts

On-demand Webinar
60 mins


We talked about: 

 Aligning goals and metrics
 Communication and collaboration
 Balancing monetization with positive user experience
 Agreeing on how to interpret actionable and relevant data around user retention




Expert Speakers:


Warren Woodward,
Chief Growth Officer
@ Upptic

Alexandre Noirot-Cosson,
Chief Marketing Officer 
@ Playvalve

Benjamin Roodman,
VP of Partnerships
@ CleverTap

John Wright,
VP of Publishing
@ Kwalee