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The churn concern: what role does churn prevention play in your marketing strategy?

Written by Margot Miller | Nov 13, 2023 3:03:05 PM

Peggy Anne Salz sat down with mobile marketing expert Rob Garfinkle, Adikteev’s Lead Data Scientist, Arnaud Capitaine, and Adikteev’s Chief Business Development Officer, Cameron Thom, to answer this question.

On-demand Webinar
55 mins


The churn concern

Why does churn appear to be a bigger concern than it was a couple of years ago? As markets shift, keeping your high value users from leaving has become more important than ever. In this webinar, we broke down:

 Why user churn has taken on such an importance

 How to measure your churn rate and other retention metrics

 Probabilistic models vs. rule-based approaches to churn prevention

 The dos and don'ts of churn prevention




A sneak peek here:


  Addressing churn effectively requires a collaborative effort across multiple teams, moving beyond siloed approaches to foster cross-disciplinary initiatives, ultimately aiming to nurture a community of engaged and active users. 


Robert Garfinkle, Mobile Growth Expert


(21:24 - 21:44) 

What we've been able to do with analyzing churn is to see that on average it's set at seven days, the seven-day inactivity window, and it's a good proxy, but about 20% of that audience, which includes future high value whales, is likely to churn if otherwise not engaged in that period.

Cameron Thom, Chief Business Development Officer @ Adikteev



(22:47 - 23:15)

We tried to look at another approach, that is, we would like to model human behavior so that we can better distinguish active users from inactive users: people that are not churners versus people that are churners. And this is what we did in my team to improve the model and to better identify the people that are going to churn in order to prevent them from churning.

Arnaud Capitaine, Lead Data Scientist @ Adikteev